Recent articles & papers
March 2025: The Physiological Need For Movement During Computer Work
You probably already know that there have been many studies by Tier One Institutions establishing and confirming how microbreaks are crucial in providing a safety net of mitigation enabling recovery time during work. But how exactly does this all work? What does it mean to our employees and our company financially? Lastly, why are so many of “The Best Companies to Work For” employing this science throughout their enterprise?
February 2025: Causality Between Psychosocial Stress and Musculoskeletal Disorders
“Historically, efforts to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace have focused on physical work factors. However, the relation between MSDs and psychosocial factors, such as excessive workloads and a lack of support, is important. Psychosocial risks can contribute to and exacerbate MSDs, and MSDs can be associated with psychosocial factors.“ That statement is from an EU-OSHA paper…
January 2025: Connecting Dots, Studies Published in 2024
Although computers are an integral part of our daily lives, transforming how we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves, it’s become well-understood how the dangerous endemic rise in sedentary behavior and prolonged static postures harms our bodies. Many studies over the years have confirmed these prolonged periods of sitting and repetitive motions have significant adverse effects on our health, well-being and productivity.
December 2024: Digital Eye Strain Prevalence and Mitigation Into 2025
Digital Eye Strain (DES), also known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), is a condition which often results from chronic unmanaged use of digital devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets due to the repetitive need for viewing text and images often at very small scale. With the rise of individual workload demands, needed to fill in the gaps created by organizational streamlining and rightsizing in 2024, DES has emerged as a significant concern of many employers due to palpable human and financial costs.
November 2024: Global Regulations Today – Reduce Knowledge Worker Static Postures
Many organizations including the WHO, AMA, NIH and EU-OSHA and others around the globe have called out the pressing need for employers to mitigate the well-understood and significant health risks from prolonged static postures…
October 2024: Mitigating The Role of Stress in Musculoskeletal Disorders
New data analysis, on worker injuries published last month by the University of Connecticut, shows a 21% increase in Carpal Tunnel and other injuries compared to during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. While remote work was unavoidably the norm ‘during’ the Pandemic, data ‘at the time‘ didn’t allow for the passage of time where workers are working in poor ergonomic conditions involving…